Normally, after the installation of Plex-Earth, its tab should appear in AutoCAD's ribbon. In some rare cases though, it has been noted that the user might be confronted with some issues regarding its appearance.
If Plex-Earth's tab does not appear, try the suggestions below, in the following order:
1) Use the "PXV_RIBBON_FIX" command in AutoCAD's command line
2) Use the CUILOAD command and unload Plex-Earth, then close and re-open AutoCAD
Type the CUILOAD command, scroll down the list, and select PXEARTH23.
After you have done that, select NETLOAD and navigate to:
and select the file "PlexEarth.dll"
This should help load Plex-Earth in your ribbon.
3) Switch your AutoCAD work-space from "Drafting & Annotation" to "3D Basics" and back (or vice versa)
4) Follow the next steps:
- Close AutoCAD
- Open Windows Explorer and go to %appdata%\Autodesk
Tip: If you type %appdata% in the address bar and hit Enter it will take you to the root folder
- Search for any Plex Earth files in there (with the search bar just next to the address bar on the top, it should come up with a number of files containing "Plex" in their name) and delete them all
- Restart AutoCAD
Similarly, if Plex-Earth's tab is not showing correctly, the steps below should be followed:
1) Switch AutoCAD workspace from "Drafting & Annotation" to "3D Basics" and back (or vice versa)
2) Use the CUILOAD command and unload Plex-Earth, then close and re-open AutoCAD
3) Follow the next steps:
- Close AutoCAD
- Open Windows Explorer and go to %appdata%\Autodesk
Tip: If you type %appdata% in the address bar and hit Enter it will take you to the root folder
- Search for any Plex Earth files in there (with the search bar just next to the address bar on the top, it should come up with a number of files containing "Plex" in their name) and delete them all
- Restart AutoCAD
If you are still facing troubles, you can contact us at