Using Plex Earth Lite, you can open any drawing created with Plex-Earth and access the contained high-quality, up-to-date imagery from all the providers' Plex Earth can offer you, like Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, Nearmap, Hexagon as well as Airbus, and Maxar.
The tool you can use to manage the Plex Earth Images of your drawing is the Imagery Manager. The Imagery Manager loads all the included dynamic Mosaics or Timelines within the drawing. With the Imagery Manager, you can navigate among the list of Plex Earth images and perform some basic functions.
2. Imagery Manager Images List
a) Explanation of the Image List highlights
b) Explanation of the Image Information
Open Imagery Manager
The Imagery Manager opens like a CAD tool palette. To open it just click on the Imagery Manager button on the Plex Earth Lite Ribbon. Click again if you want the Imagery Manager to close.
The Imagery Manager will appear as a tool palette in your CAD.
Restore Images
When opening a drawing containing Plex Earth dynamic images with Plex Earth Lite, the active mosaics automatically start to load. Timelines need to be selected in order to load as well as the hidden mosaics.
Imagery Manager Contents
The Imagery Manager consists of the following parts: the Tools, and the Image List. On the Image list, you can view the list of Timelines, if any exist in the drawing, as well as the list of Mosaics.
1. Imagery Manager Tools
Two tools are included in the Imagery Manager: Toggle Visibility and Remove.
a) Toggle Visibility
Select this button to hide all the images from the drawing. When Images are hidden, the following message appears in the Imagery Manager to warn you.
You can click again on the Toggle Visibility button for the images to appear again.
b) Remove
You can use the Remove button to delete a Mosaic or Timeline from the Imagery List. You first have to select the respective Image, which is highlighted in light blue, and then click Remove to delete it. You can use the shift button to select more than one image to delete. You will always be notified with a confirmation dialog box before deleting your images.
2. Imagery Manager Images List
In the list of the Imagery Manager, all the included Plex Earth images of the drawing appear.
a) Explanation of the Image List highlights
You can have four statuses in the contents of the Imagery Manager: Non-Hidden, Hidden, Selected, and Not-Selected.
1-Hidden/Not-Hidden: When an image is hidden in the drawing, it appears faded onto the Imagery Manager. When it appears vivid, it is shown normally in the drawing.
2- Selected/Not-Selected: When an image is selected onto the Imagery Manager, it is highlighted in light blue. When it is not, it appears without any shading.
b) Explanation of the Image Information
Each Imagery Manager content comes with some useful information that can be accessed through the Imagery Manager. This information has some general data like the Imagery Provider logo, the Name of the Image, and the Zoom Level. The other information varies depending on the content - Timeline or Mosaic.
General Image information
The general Image information is the same both in Timelines and Mosaics:
1- Imagery Provider Logo
2- Name of the Image (this can be changed by the user)
3- Zoom Level of the Image
Mosaic Information
Mosaics, besides the general image information, also contain the following:
1- Imagery Provider Name
2- Number of Tiles of the Mosaic
Timeline Information
Timelines have a special icon indicating that they are timelines, as well as the capture date of the dataset:
1- Clock, the symbol of the Timeline
2- Date the Image was captured
More Indications on the Imagery Manager Image List
1-Restoring: It appears over an image name to show that it is in the process of restoration. It can either appear as the word “Restoring…” or as a percentage showing the amount of restoration that has taken place.
2- Red Cloud: The Red Cloud next to an image name indicates that the image has not been restored
c) Image List Tools
Hovering over an Image on the Imagery Manager will reveal three buttons for some extra tools that can apply to each image separately.
1- Show/Hide Image (Eye Icon): Select this button to show or hide the respective image
2- Zoom To Object (Magnifier Icon): Select this button to make AutoCAD (or BricsCAD) zoom onto this image
3- Rename (T Icon): Select this button to change the image name. After selecting this, type the new name in the command line and press enter
Last Tips
-If you hover your mouse over an image in the Imagery Manager List, the outlook of the image will be highlighted in the CAD model space. That helps you locate it when you have a drawing with multiple images.
-The images in the Imagery Manager keep the adjustments the creator of them applied to them (transparency, brightness, contrast, and more). You cannot change these settings with Plex Earth Lite. If you are interested in gaining access to the full features of Plex-Earth, visit the link here.
The Imagery Manager of Plex-Earth Lite offers the ability to handle all the Plex Earth images of your drawing in an easy and effective way. With all its features, it is a valuable tool offering you the ability to easily navigate among multiple images from top-notch imagery providers.
We hope that you have found this tutorial on about imagery manager of Plex-Earth Lite, helpful. Feel free to contact us at for any questions you may still have.
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Compatibility includes:
AutoCAD Version: 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016
Civil 3D® Version: 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016
AutoCAD Architecture Version: 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016
BricsCAD Pro: V22 , V21