Key differences between the two versions and their workflow
Everything you love about Plex.Earth 4 is included in Plex-Earth 2023, PLUS enhancements and newly added features. Before we look at the new interface screenshots, here are the biggest improvements:
New Look! With a revamped UI design, some concepts and workflows in both versions may differ quite a bit, depending on the functionality. We made sure to make it more user-friendly for a more enjoyable and efficient designing session with Plex-Earth.
More imagery providers! In addition to your favorite providers in version 4 (Google, Bing, OpenStreetMaps, custom maps thru WMS, Tile Servers, etc.), you can have the ability to access premium providers like Nearmap, Hexagon, Airbus, and Maxar.
New imagery features such as Quick View and Timeviews! Fetch a dynamic image for an instant preview of your area of interest through Quick View and access vast collections of historical imagery datasets from Airbus and Maxar through Timeviews, to monitor your project’s evolution through time.
A Plex-Earth concept of dynamic terrain is also introduced, with Google Elevations, Amazon (AWS), and Cesium as terrain data providers.
For exceptionally accurate data, you even have the opportunity to order a custom drone flight for your project area!
Importing Imagery
In Plex.Earth 4, imagery is imported as a raster image, usually by taking a screenshot (for Google Earth) or connecting to the provider. In Plex-Eath 2023, we now import imagery directly from our providers’ servers and it's automatically stored in our servers for future reloads once the drawing is saved. This makes it more efficient, especially in terms of AutoCAD performance.
There are two types of imagery that you can import with Plex-Earth 2023 - Quick View or Imagery Mosaic.
You can opt to import a Quick View for an instant fetching of a dynamic preview of your project area. This is a new feature, not available in version 4. To import one, simply click on the Quick View button, specify the area of interest and wait for the image to fetch. You can also change between the providers if needed. See how this is done here.
Create Quick View Imagery in AutoCAD with Plex-Earth 2023
The process of importing a mosaic is a little tad different due to the interface. You can do so by clicking on the Import Imagery Mosaic button, selecting the imagery provider and quality (Automatic or Custom) before specifying the cover area, and then wait for the tiles to fetch. A more in-depth tutorial about this can be found here.
To better manage your imports, an additional palette, Imagery Manager, is now available. Within the palette, you can find several editing tools for further customization of your mosaics and the Insert button, to create a raster image for your mosaic and locally save it (tutorial).
Imagery Mosaic with Clipping and Color Adjustments Applied Post-Import
This innovative feature will allow you to create a chronological visualization of your project area, with a variety of high-quality, up-to-date, historical imagery datasets from our premium providers, Airbus and Maxar.
To create a Timeline, click on the Create Timeline button, specify your cover area, and pick the preferred date you want to add. Once the image is fetched, you can add more dates and browse among them. More information about Timeviews can be found in this article.
Creating a Timeline with Plex-Earth 2023
Dynamic Terrain and Additional Terrain Data Provider: Cesium
With Plex-Earth 2023, terrain is now imported dynamically (as contours) and its analyses, which you can modify through the Terrain Manager palette, compared to Plex.Earth 4 where it is imported as a static mesh object.
Moreover, you can now import terrain data from Cesium, in addition to Google Elevations and Amazon.
Selecting Cesium as Terrain Provider in Plex-Earth 2023
To import terrain with Plex-Earth 2023, click on the Import Terrain button, select your preferred terrain provider, then specify the cover area either in drawing or in Google Earth and wait for the dynamic terrain to fetch.
You can then modify the dynamic terrain’s properties and even perform analysis and inquiry via the Terrain Manager palette. Once done, you can insert static drawing objects such as contour polylines, TIN mesh, points, or even a Civil 3D surface directly from the same palette via the Insert button, to share with others. Refer to this tutorial for a more detailed step-by-step procedure on importing terrain.
Imported Terrain from Cesium with Plex-Earth 2023
Enhanced terrain volume calculation can also be performed as seen in this tutorial.
Book your own custom drone flight, almost anywhere in the world!
Need high-precision terrain data for your project site? With Plex-Earth 2023, you can now order a drone flight fully-customized to your project's needs.
Book a drone flight via the Create Flight button, select a closed polyline of your area of interest, pick your preferred product, and finalize the order. We will keep you posted regarding the flight updates and several deliverables will be sent to you after the flight.
Ordering a Drone Flight with Plex-Earth 2023
To know more about this new feature, check out this article.
Other Differences
Here are some minor differences for other functionalities:
- Georeferencing: Instead of the “Specify its Location” option, we now have the Quick Georeference method. The concept is almost the same for the two but they have quite a different workflow.
- Button (or Command) Locations
Plex.Earth 4 ribbon (top) and Plex-Earth 2023 (bottom)
Some buttons in the Plex. Earth 4 ribbon that are not visible in the 2023 version have been relocated in dropdown boxes or other palettes:
- Generate Contours button and its sub-buttons → Terrain Manager palette via Terrain Editor
- The Drape Image to Surface and Snap Objects commands → Terrain dropdown bar; Analysis and Inquiry → Terrain Manager palette via Terrain Editor
- The Create Surface command and other similar commands → Import Terrain dropdown box
Terrain dropdown bar (left) and Import Terrain dropdown box (right)
New Subscription Plans
With the release of Plex-Earth 2023, we have also tailored the best subscription plans for you. Have a look at the available plans on our pricing page here.
Want to try it out first?
Explore all the features and potential benefits of Plex-Earth 2023 by installing a fully functional 7-day free trial now!
Compatibility includes:
AutoCAD Version: 2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016
Civil 3D® Version: 2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016
AutoCAD Architecture Version: 2024 , 2023 , 2022 , 2021 , 2020 , 2019 , 2018 , 2017 , 2016
BricsCAD Pro: V23 , V22 , V21
Ready to upgrade?
Feel free to contact us at to discuss your options and we will prepare a custom quote for you. By upgrading to Plex-Earth 2023, you’ll gain access to our newest features, which will allow you to take your designs to the next level.