For account managers that have access to this console, you can log in with your credentials here. In order to get your credentials, contact us at |
This article will show how to access other settings including the Account Console's theme settings and profile settings.
Display/Theme Settings
The display or theme can be selected through the sun icon on the top right corner of the page and the user can pick from these options - Light, Dark, and System.
Profile Settings
The user can access profile settings via the top-rightmost button in the home or main dashboard page..
By clicking on the My Profile section, the user will be able to see and/or edit information such as:
- User Role
- Email Address
- Update Avatar picture
- Update Full Name
- Reset Password
You can also find more information about the Plex-Earth Console in the following tutorials:
Managing workstations / Creating activation keys
We hope that you have found this tutorial on the Plex-Earth console, helpful. Feel free to contact us at for any questions you may still have.