Starting from version 4.3, Plex.Earth 4 installers support automatic activation which helps IT departments make mass deployments on several machines.
They must open a Command Prompt (cmd) and locate the folder they have the setup file (.msi).
Then, they must execute the msiexec command with the below parameters:
msiexec /i <Product.msi> sub=<Activation Code> OmitFeedback=True
- Replace <Product.msi> with the actual setup file name (e.g. SETUP-PLEXEARTH-4.3.6906.msi)
- Replace <Activation Code> with the subscription code used for activation
- The OmitFeedback parameter, if True, says to the installer to skip opening the feedback webpage after installation/uninstallation
- Other useful optional parameters are:
/quiet - Quiet mode, no user interaction
/passive - Unattended mode - progress bar only
Sets user interface level
n - No UI
b - Basic UI
r - Reduced UI
f - Full UI (default)
msiexec /i SETUP-PLEXEARTH-4.3.6906.msi sub=ABCDEF1234567890 OmitFeedback=True /passive