One of the novel features of Plex.Earth 4 is the ability to add object data to your elements (both as plain text and in the HTML format), which can then be exported to Google Earth along with your drawing. That’s an easy way to share information with colleagues and showcase your project to stakeholders and clients!
Here is what you need to do:
First of all, choose the object you want to add information to and then choose the “Edit KML Data” command that appears in Plex.Earth ribbon.
In the “Entity KML Properties” window that opens you can define a name for this element and a description. HTML is recognized so you are able to add links and formatting to better visualize your data. In our example, we added embedded code to show an image and a youtube video accompanying our project on Google Earth.
After that, we export our KML/KMZ object easily through the Plex.Earth ribbon, via the "KML Export" command.
(For more information about exporting to Google Earth click here).
That’s it! You have exported your project and you can now just send the resulting KML/KMZ file to any interested party.
Clicking on any element will bring up the defined description along with embedded images/videos.